2016년 9월 9일 금요일

Preview our animated stickers!

Cat Animation Sticker 3 (300x300)
Cat Animation Sticker (408x408)

Egg Bunny Animation 3  (300x300)
Egg Bunny Animation   (408x408)

2016년 9월 5일 월요일

Give your feedback from the sticker packs

1. Most suitable for iPhone 6/6S/6+/6S+/7+ (408x408 pixels)
 o Sweety Cat Sticker
 o Cat Animation Sticker
 o Cat Commerce Sticker
 o Rabbit Sticker
 o Rabbit Animation Sticker

2. Most suitable for iPhone 5/5S/6/6S/7 (300x300 pixels)
 o Sweety Cat Sticker 3
 o Cat Animation Sticker 3
 o Cat Commerce Sticker 3
 o Rabbit Sticker 3
 o Rabbit Animation Sticker 3

3. Example of sticker browser of message app for each sticker size and iPhone device

300x300 pixels-sized sticker on iPhone 6/6S/6+/6S+/7/7+

408x408 pixels-sized sticker on iPhone 6/6S/6+/6S+/7/7+
300x300 pixels-sized sticker on iPhone 5/5S

408x408 pixels-sized sticker on iPhone 5/5S